Enhancement of Heritage Experiences: the Middle Ages Digital Layered Models of Architecture and Mural Paintings over Time (EHEM)

The project aims to obtain virtual reconstructions of medieval artistic heritage ­architecture with mural paintings­ that are as close as possible to the original at different times, incorporating historical­artistic knowledge and the diachronic perspective of heritage, as an instrument for researchers, restorers and heritage curators and to improve the visitor’s perceptions and experiences.

In the digital models elaborated we intend to develop, as concrete objectives:

  1. The understanding of architectural complexity, which is usually regularized geometrically,
  2. Solving chromatic problems,
  3. Raise and propose the resolution of lighting problems,
  4. To approach digitally the different perspectives of the medieval building and its paintings according to the categories of users.

EMEM is funded under the RESTART 2016 – 2020 – «European Initiatives – National Development» (JOINT PROGRAMMING INITIATIVE “CULTURAL HERITAGE AND GLOBAL CHANGE: A NEW CHALLENGE FOR EUROPE” – JPICH “Conservation, Protection and Use” Call). The project is coordinated by the Universitat de Barcelona and the consortium consists of Research Centre on Interactive Media Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (RISE), Università degli Studi Roma Tre, and Università degli Studi della Tuscia.

More information is available at https://ehemproject.eu/